The Perils of Periodontal Disease

What is the most common disease afflicting mankind? Malaria? Diabetes? Influenza? It may surprise you to know that periodontal disease, or gum disease, is the ailment most common in this world. In fact, it affects 75% of all American adults. That’s three out of four of the people you know and associate with.

Periodontal disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults; it is the reason that so many people end up wearing dentures. It accounts for billions of dollars spent annually to treat and repair its ravaging effects.

The sinister side of periodontal disease is that it can contribute to the onset of several systemic diseases. Research shows that periodontal disease contributes to the development of coronary heart disease, ischemic stroke, adult diabetes, premature delivery in pregnant women and the rejection of prosthetic joints. There is also evidence that periodontal disease can increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease and some oral-pharyngeal cancers.

Periodontal Disease

What causes periodontal disease? Simply put, bacterial plaque, the sticky film that spontaneously forms around your teeth and gums. The toxins that are released from bacterial plaque cause inflammation in the surrounding soft tissues and loss of the surrounding bone. As periodontal disease progresses, more damage is done. Eventually the infected teeth have to be removed.

The good news is that periodontal disease can be treated, and in some cases, reversed. Your dentist or dental hygienist can perform a deep cleaning that will remove the bacterial plaque that causes the disease. Laser therapy, chemical treatments and even periodontal surgery can be utilized by your dentist in the fight against gum disease. Most important, patients must have excellent oral hygiene, a healthy diet and live free of tobacco products.

-Written by Bryant W. Cornelius, DDS, MBA

~ by bryantcornelius on September 11, 2010.

5 Responses to “The Perils of Periodontal Disease”

  1. Thanks for the informative info. I think Americans could use more education on this topic because many people believe that caring for their teeth is not that important and that flossing isn’t necessary either, yet the dentist treats teeth with infection and cavities due to lack of oral hygiene every day. What other evidence do we need to be convinced that the health of our mouth has a huge impact upon our health in general?

  2. I have to say that the picture says it all! I wouldn’t have even had to read the whole article before I was up brushing and flossing! YIKES! Take care of yourself people! Save your precious teeth while you still can.

  3. thanks for all the great info. I think I’ll go brush, and floss now!!

  4. It is so important for people to know that this can be treated! I think most people believe it is to late to save their natureal teeth and is just a matter of time before they will need dentures…when really through the proper treatment they can have natural teeth for much more of their lives.

  5. Good info!

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